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Case Results

Car Accident Client was rear-ended and although the damage to their vehicle seemed minor they had significant back and neck discomfort.


Motorcycle Accident Client suffered a knee injury when their motorcycle was hit by another vehicle.


Truck Accident Our client was rear-ended by a semi-truck resulting in back injuries.


Dog Bite Injuries to client’s hand/thumb requiring surgery sustained from a dog attack


Motor Vehicle Accident An uninsured driver who stole a car hit our client resulting in neck and back pain


Wrongful Death Injuries/pain and suffering sustained from an accident that ended in the death of our client’s family member


Auto Accident – Wrongful Death Injuries/pain and suffering sustained from accident as well as emotional damage.

Successfully settled for $100,000.00.

Motor Vehicle Accident Neck, shoulder and back Injuries sustained from accident due to another vehicle running red light and hitting client’s car.

Successfully settled for available policy limits.

Dog Bite Significant injuries to client's hand/thumb requiring surgery sustained from a dog attack.

Successfully settled for policy limits of $300,000.00.

Car Accident Client had facial scarring from injuries sustained in a car accident when a U-Haul box truck t-boned them.

Successfully settled for $88,750.

Car Accident Client was rear-ended by another vehicle, causing the back of their car to be pushed to the front, which resulted in injuries to the head, including a head laceration with staples.

Successfully settled for policy limits of $100,000.00.

Truck Accident Client was rear-ended by a semi-truck resulting in back injuries including disc protrusions and bulges.

Successfully settled for $135,500.00.

Motorcycle Accident Client required knee surgery due to injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident when a car pulled out in front of them, causing them to crash.

Successfully settled for policy limits totaling $125,000.00.

Motorcycle Accident Significant injuries and suffering, including knee injury sustained from collusion, occurred when another vehicle collided with the client, who was on their motorcycle, causing them to crash.

Successfully settled for policy limits of $150,000.00.

Motor Vehicle Accident Multiple family members involved in accident - All involved had soft tissue injuries due to a rear-end accident. The crash ended in the car catching fire.

Successfully for $25,000.00 policy limits.

Motor Vehicle Accident Rear Ended resulting in suffering and pain for client including lower abdominal pain, nausea, right wrist pain

Successfully settled for third party and underinsured policy limits resulting in total of $41,000.00.

Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries due to another vehicle running stop sign and hitting client’s car

Case was settled for $29,750.00.

Motor Vehicle Accident Was by an uninsured driver who stole a car resulting in neck and back pain.

Successfully settled for $50,000.00 uninsured policy limits.

Motor Vehicle Accident Traumatic injuries as a result of a person making an unsafe turn in front of client and crashing into their vehicle

Successfully settled for $50,000.00 policy limits.

Motor Vehicle Accident T-boned by a drunk driver resulting in minor injuries

Successfully settled for $25,000 policy limits.

Motor Vehicle Accident Minor accident due to being rear ended

Successfully settled for $6,000.

Premise Liability – Slip & Fall Severe injuries due to a fall on unkept and unsafely constructed staircase into a basement

Successfully settled for $105,000.00.

Motor Vehicle Accident Facial and tooth injuries due to a rear-end accident

Successfully settled for $6,756.00.

Motor Vehicle Accident Fractured back injuries due to a rear-end accident. The crash ended in the car she was in catching fire.

Successfully settled for $50,000.00 policy limits.

Motor Vehicle Accident Traumatic injuries as a result of a person making an unsafe turn in our clients path

Successfully settled for third party policy limits of $25,000.00 and $16,960.70 in underinsured coverage

Motor Vehicle Accident Severe injuries as a result of another person driving in a parking garage on the wrong side of the road hitting her

Successfully settled with third party in the amount of $18,500.00 with significant reductions in medical bills to maximize her net settlement

Personal Injury Injuries due to a fall on a bus

Successfully settled injury claim for $10,500.00

Personal Injury Injuries at concert venue

Successfully prosecuted and settled action (settlement confidential)

Motor Vehicle Accident Traumatic injuries as a result of accident

Successfully prosecuted and settled large injury claim (settlement confidential)

Insurance Bad Faith Carrier that wrongfully denied underinsured motorist coverage

Successfully prosecuted and settled (settlement confidential)

Wrongful Death City’s failure to control intersection during a police escorted motorcycle ride

Successfully prosecuted and settled action (settlement confidential)

Wrongful Death Drunk Driving

Successfully prosecuted and settled action (settlement confidential)

Product Liability Burn Injury

Successfully prosecuted and settled claim (settlement confidential)

Slip & Fall Slip & Fall at sport facility

Successfully prosecuted and settled action (settlement confidential)

Motor Vehicle Accident Claim against a rideshare driver for traumatic injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident

Successfully prosecuted and settled claim (settlement amount confidential)

Personal Injury Injuries sustained at large home improvement store

Successfully prosecuted and settled injury claim (settlement amount confidential)

Motor Vehicle Accident Property damage case involving diminution of value and lost earnings resulting from crash damage to a tractor / trailer

Outcome: Successfully Settled Claim