Suffering a head injury can be devastating to your wellbeing and livelihood. Any loss of function in the brain can lead to severe impairment, disability, and a dramatic reduction of your physical and cognitive ability. Let a skilled Phoenix brain injury attorney at Stone Rose Law help you fight for the compensation you deserve and help you seek the support and medical treatment you need. Call our Phoenix law office today at (480) 498-8998 to schedule a free consultation.
The following types of head and brain injuries commonly occur in accidents:
Closed head injuries are severe blows to the head that do not crack open the skull or pierce brain tissue. They can cause swelling and bruising.
An open head injury is one that penetrates the skull. This could result in skull fractures or bleeding from the brain.
Occurs when the brain has been severely shaken. It can cause loss of consciousness, lightheadedness, or severe headaches.
Cuts, scrapes, or piercing of the skin that surrounds the skull. This can cause bleeding or tissue damage.
Traumatic brain injury occurs when there is a blow, bump, or jolt to the head that disrupts normal brain function. A TBI can affect a person’s cognitive abilities, including learning and thinking skills.
A serious head injury may require a high level of care, rehabilitation, and support to help you regain your health or improve your situation. In some cases, there may be aspects of your life that can never return back to normal.
Depending on how serious your head injury is, a skilled Phoenix personal injury lawyer at Stone Rose Law can help you recover compensation for:
The amount of compensation you may be entitled to receive will be based on a large number of factors, including the severity of the injury and its impact on your life. Claims of this nature are assessed on a case by case basis, which is why you should speak with a Phoenix brain injury attorney as soon as possible following an accident.
In most head and brain injury-related cases, the insurance company of the person or company at fault for the accident will be responsible for paying your compensation. The at-fault party won’t pay out of their own pocket, as their insurer will deal with everything.
Do not hesitate to contact Stone Rose Law after a head or traumatic brain injury. We know that this is a difficult time for you, and we can help you get the results you are looking for. Our Phoenix and Scottsdale brain injury attorneys represent clients throughout Maricopa County, Arizona. Call our local law firm at (480) 498-8998 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation today.