How long bankruptcy stays on your credit report depends on the type of bankruptcy you file. Chapter 7 bankruptcy remains for 10 years from the filing date, while Chapter 13 bankruptcy stays for 7 years. These timeframes are set by the Fair Credit Reporting Act and enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Once...
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A car accident settlement with neck and back injuries ranges from about $10,000 to $500,000. Here, we look at the costs involved with neck and back surgery after a car accident in Arizona. Stone Rose Law represents Arizona residents who need help recovering the compensation they need to pay for injuries they suffer in...
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The average car accident settlement in Arizona is difficult to determine, but settlements can range from a few thousand dollars to seven figures for the most severe cases. In this article, we’ll explain what goes into an Arizona auto accident settlement, including the injuries you may need to recover compensation for, applicable Arizona laws,...
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An unfortunate fact of life is that on Arizona streets and highways, you can be a good driver, obey all traffic laws, practice defensive driving, and still get into a car accident that is not your fault. If this has happened to you, call Stone Rose Law at (480) 498-8998 to speak with an...
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In Arizona, no law exists setting a time limit on how long people have to report a car accident to their insurance companies. However, insurance companies often have their own time limits. Thus, cooperating with your auto insurance company will ensure it works on your behalf in negotiating your claim. Or, if you intend...
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