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History of Federal Licensing

June 23, 2023
Congress enacted the Gun Control Act as part of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. Dealers, importers, and manufacturers were required to obtain a license and pay the licensing fee. The Secretary of the Treasury was given authority to issue licenses and prescribe regulations. Many provisions of the Act remain...
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How to Legally Possess a Short Barreled Rifle or Short Barreled Shotgun

June 23, 2023
At Stone Rose Law, our expert firearms attorneys frequently get asked how to legally possess a short barreled rifle or short barreled shotgun. While the process is generally simple, misinformation abounds in this area of firearms law. What is a Short-Barreled Rifle or Short-Barreled Shotgun? A short-barreled rifle (“SBR”) is any firearm with a...
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How to Legally Possess a Firearm Suppressor

June 23, 2023
At Stone Rose Law, our expert firearms attorneys frequently get asked how to legally possess a firearms suppressor, often called a “silencer." What is a firearms suppressor? Firearms suppressors are regulated under the National Firearms Act of 1934, which defines a suppressor as any device designed or intended to muffle the report of a...
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Types of FFL Licenses

June 23, 2023
The ATF issues 9 different types of Federal Firearms Licenses. In addition, an FFL may get a designation as a Special Occupational Taxpayer (SOT) to manufacture, import, and deal in items that fall under the National Firearms Act. The 9 types of FFL licenses A Type 1 FFL is a standard dealer in firearms,...
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How Is Liability Determined in Dog Bite Injury Cases?

May 24, 2023
Every year, hundreds of victims of dog attacks get sent to emergency rooms for serious dog bite injuries. Each state has its own unique set of laws for dog bite injury claims to determine liability for these harmful incidents. Arizona has a strict liability dog bite law, meaning the owner of a dog that...
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