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Why Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

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grand canyon
Posted on June 30, 2022 in

Experiencing a personal injury can lead to substantial medical costs, and also impact your ability to work and support yourself and your family. When the cause of your injury was someone or something else, you could be entitled to compensation for all associated costs and damages. 

To collect, you’ll need to claim your damages through a complex process, and you can only collect what you can prove with evidence. Working with a Phoenix personal injury attorney from Stone Rose Law will provide you with support through every step of the process, ensuring the best possible outcome for your claim. 

Personal Injuries are Common and Can Lead to Compensation 

Personal injuries happen in a wide variety of circumstances, and can lead to significant costs to you and your family. If you do not recover compensation to cover the medical costs and lost earnings associated with your injury, you and your family will have to pay for these costs out of pocket in the future. 

Common causes of personal injuries we have helped clients with cases on include: 

When an accident that causes you injury, or leads to the loss of a loved one, is caused by someone or something else, you will be entitled to compensation. In order to collect, it must be proven that another party was negligent, which means they had some responsibility or duty towards you, and the breach of that duty led to the accident that caused your injuries. 

Your Damages Require Evidence for You to Collect What You Are Entitled To 

You can only collect compensation that you can prove with evidence that would be accepted in court. Common injuries we help injured clients collect what they deserve on include: 

  • Spinal cord injury 
  • Traumatic brain injury 
  • Neck and back injury 
  • Repetitive stress injury 
  • Fractured and/or broken bones 
  • Catastrophic injury 
  • Wrongful death 

We’ll help you schedule appointments with experts to accurately and completely measure your damages, then incorporate them into your claim. We’ll handle your claim every step of the way so that you can focus on recovering from your injuries. 

Connect with a Personal Injury Attorney To Discuss Options 

Knowing what you are entitled to can be difficult to determine without an understanding of how similar cases settle. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney who knows how to negotiate the best possible settlement with the insurance company, or make them come to one in court, will support your case. 

Working with an attorney takes the stress of managing your case out of your day-to-day life. You pay nothing for your initial consultation, and nothing out-of-pocket, ever. This is because if we take your case, we’ll take it on contingency, which means we only get paid if we win. Our payment comes out of a portion of your earnings that we’ll agree upon before getting started. 

To chat about options on how we can help on your case, schedule a consultation with us or call (480) 498-8998.