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Common Motor Vehicle Defects That Lead to Car Crashes

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Posted on February 26, 2023 in

As a driver, you may anticipate car accidents caused by negligent drivers, such as drunk and distracted motorists. You may not expect an accident caused by a defective vehicle part. Yet this is exactly what happens to thousands of drivers every year due to motor vehicle defects. A motor vehicle defect can take many forms, but certain types of defects have historically been linked to car accidents more than others. If you are in a collision due to a vehicle defect, speak to a Scottsdale car accident lawyer as soon as possible.

What Is a Motor Vehicle Defect? 

A motor vehicle defect means that the car or one of its components is defective or faulty. The part contains a design, manufacturing or marketing defect that makes it unsafe for consumer use. Motor vehicle defects can put consumers and the public at enormous risk of injury due to the potential of car accidents

Despite the duty that vehicle manufacturers have to design and produce reasonably safe products, millions of vehicles have been recalled for safety reasons. If a vehicle defect causes a car accident, injured victims have the right to file product liability claims against the manufacturing company in pursuit of financial compensation.

Brake Failures

Drivers place a great deal of trust in the integrity of their brake systems. If any aspect of a vehicle’s brakes is compromised due to part defects – including faulty brake pads, rotors and fluid lines – the vehicle may lose stopping power. Defective brakes may stop working in the middle of a drive, putting the driver at risk of being unable to stop and causing a collision.

Tire Blowouts

A vehicle’s tires are critical for keeping the car safely on the road and in the driver’s control. If a tire contains a defect, such as a thin tire wall, tread separation, uneven tread wear or a puncture, it could cause a tire blowout. A blowout is when a tire explodes, rather than popping and deflating slowly. A tire blowout can cause a severe car accident, including a vehicle rollover. Tire blowouts are one of the leading causes of truck crashes. If you experience a wreck caused by a defective tire, speak to a truck accident attorney in Scottsdale as soon as possible.

Stuck Accelerators

Throughout history, many motor vehicles have been recalled due to sticky or faulty accelerator pedals. Defective accelerators may result in accidents by causing sudden, uncontrollable acceleration. In the worst-case scenarios, accelerator problems can cause very serious high-speed collisions.

Electrical Problems 

Motor vehicles rely heavily on their electrical systems for many different aspects of their operation, including the headlights, battery, fuses and engine. Electrical defects and failures can cause a wide range of problems for a driver – many of which could lead to accidents. A vehicle’s headlights could shut off on a nighttime drive, for example, rendering the driver unable to see the road. Certain electrical issues could also lead to car fires and explosions. 

Safety Equipment Defects and Failures 

While defective safety equipment may not be the cause of a car accident, it can contribute to the severity of a crash victim’s injuries. One example is the Takata airbag recall, in which around 67 million airbags were recalled due to an issue that could cause the airbags to explode upon deployment – shooting pieces of metal into the cab. Many auto manufacturers have also had to recall vehicles due to defective seat belts that come unlatched due to the forces of an accident.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident involving a motor vehicle defect, contact an attorney for legal assistance. You may have grounds to file a product liability claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the defective vehicle part.