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How Much Does a Speeding Ticket Cost in Arizona?

Speeding is one of the most common causes of car accidents in Arizona. According to the Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles, speeding killed 337 people in 2020. It was the most commonly reported driver violation. To combat this dangerous driving behavior, Arizona has speed limits that drivers must obey. Breaking the speed limit can...
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Who’s at Fault in a Rear-End Accident?

When moving, people typically follow the basic principle of looking in the direction they’re going, especially when driving a vehicle.  However, you might be surprised to learn that the leading cause of multi-car crashes in Arizona—more than one-third of them, in fact—are rear-end collisions. The consequences of a rear-end crash can be severe—physically, financially,...
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How Much Is My Car Accident Worth?

If you have been involved in a car accident, it is natural to want to know how much value there may be in a potential settlement with an insurance company or a judgment award. At the Stone Rose law firm, we know what goes into calculating full and fair compensation for our auto accident...
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Why Do I Need a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney?

Being injured in a car accident can put the brakes on not only your plans for the day, but also your ability to work and provide for your family. When someone or something else was the cause of your car accident, you will be entitled to recover compensation for your damages.  Proving that another...
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Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident T-Bone?

A T-bone car accident (also known as a side-impact collision) is when a motor vehicle crashes into the side of another car, forming a T-shape. These collisions can be extremely damaging, as the first vehicle can crash directly into the driver or passenger’s side of the second car. Knowing how to determine fault for...
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