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Case Results

Ratings United States Air Force Veteran

Client started at 20%, we got him 100% on his VA Disability

Ratings United States Army Veteran

Started at 10%, we got them to 80% and they received over $7,000 in backpay

Ratings U.S. Marine Corps Veteran

Went from 50% to 80% and received over $15,000 in backpay

Ratings United States Army Veteran

Client started at 0%, we got them to 60% and they received over $40,000 in past due benefits

Ratings United States Navy Veteran

Started at 0%, we got them to 100%

Ratings United States Air Force Veteran

Client started at 30%, received rating of 100% within 5 weeks.

VA Benefits United States Army Veteran

Benefits Reinstated for Client to the day it was reduced, resulting in our client recovering over $30k in wrongfully withheld benefits over the last two and a half years.