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Arrested in Arizona? Call our
Dedicated Group for Help Today

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grand canyon

“Come on vacation and leave on probation” is a motto that many Arizona prosecutors seem to believe in. Arizona sees a significant number of out-of-state drivers who visit year-round for recreation and tourist attractions like the Grand Canyon. While enjoying the nightlife that Arizona has to offer, the unfortunate may occur, resulting in a DUI arrest for someone with an out-of-state driver’s license. With Arizona DUI penalties amongst the country’s harshest and the potential effects on your license in your home state, it is crucial to contact an aggressive and experienced DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible. The local Stone Rose Law Phoenix DUI attorneys work with clients facing DUI charges with out of state licenses and can be reached 24/7 at (480) 498-8998. We offer free case evaluations for all types of DUI cases, with a quick and easy remote intake process available.

Arizona DUI Arrest with Out of State License

If you were arrested for DUI while visiting Arizona from another state, you might face different license ramifications than someone who holds an Arizona driver’s license. Under an interstate agreement to which nearly every state belongs, the MVD of your home state is required to respect and enforce the actions of Arizona’s MVD. This means, if you get suspended in Arizona, your driving privileges in your home state are supposed to be suspended as well. However, the rate at which this actually happens varies greatly from state to state due to communication issues that arise between the MVD’s of the various states.

Arizona DUI Defense Lawyer

Following an arrest in Arizona for DUI with an out-of-state driver’s license, it is essential to remember is that:

  • what happens in Arizona can affect your out of State license; and
  • your home state’s MVD may take additional action against your driver’s license based on its own requirements, depending on what ultimately happens with your DUI in Arizona.

Therefore, it is very important that you obtain quality representation, like that offered by the skilled Phoenix criminal defense lawyers at Stone Rose Law, to minimize the ramifications of your DUI arrest. Call today at (480) 498-8998 or contact us online here to speak with an Arizona DUI Defense Lawyer today.