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VA Rating for Erectile Dysfunction & Female Sexual Disorder

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and its female equivalent, Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD) are sexual dysfunctions that can negatively affect your ability to engage in sexual intercourse.

What is erectile dysfunction (ED)?

Is Erectile Dysfunction a VA Disability?

The VA recognizes ED as a compensable disability.

Sexual dysfunctions can be caused by a service-connected disability like trauma to the groin area or a low back injury. 

They can also be connected with a mental health diagnosis like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression. 

ED and FSAD can also be related to lab findings like low testosterone or estrogen, or be caused by chronic pain or discomfort. 

Regardless of the cause, sexual dysfunction can severely diminish your quality of life.

VA Disability Compensation For ED or FSAD

As a general rule, VA disability compensation compensates veterans for the loss of earnings that result from a service-connected disability. 

There are very few legal professions, however, that rely on a person’s ability to engage in sexual intercourse. 

The VA has no disability rating just for ED or FSAD. Instead, the VA rates these conditions under some specific diagnostic codes. 

If you would like to find out more about how to calculate your monthly VA disability benefits for erectile dysfunction or any other disability or combination of disabilities, see our VA Disability Calculator.

Erectile Dysfunction VA Rating Events

Examples of ED disabling events and VA ratings for erectile dysfunction include:

  • If it was necessary to remove half or more than half of your penis, then you will receive a 30 percent disability rating. For an individual veteran, the 2024 VA monthly compensation for this rating is $524.31.
  • For removal of your glans, your ED VA rating is 20 percent.  For an individual veteran, the 2024 VA monthly compensation for this rating is $338.49.
  • For ED caused by a physical deformity, your rating is 20 percent.
  • If atrophied testicles are the cause of your ED symptoms, then you are eligible for a 20-percent disability for ED if the condition affects both testicles, or a 0 percent rating if it affects only one testicle.
  • If it was necessary to remove both testicles because of a service-connected disability event, then you qualify for a 30-percent disability for erectile dysfunction. For one testicle removal because of a service-connected event, a 0-percent rating applies.

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder Disability Rates

The VA rates service-connected FSAD at 0 percent disability, unless physical damage to the genitals exists. 

In this situation, the VA rating will fall under the diagnostic codes for the affected body parts.

VA Special Monthly Compensation for Erectile Dysfunction or Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

Even if you only qualify for a 0 percent disability for ED or FSAD, the VA can still compensate you if you qualify for “Special Monthly Compensation.” 

Special Monthly Compensation for ED and FSAD is based on your loss of use of a “creative organ.” 

This will typically be an injury or condition that results in your sterility or infertility.

If you suffer such a loss of use, it entitles you to $132.74 in monthly benefits under the category, “Special Monthly Compensation – K” (SMC-K). 

What Is Erectile Dysfunction And/Or Female Sexual Arousal Disorder?

ED, for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) purposes, means the loss of libido (sex drive), loss of interest in sex, or difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection. It can also include the inability to orgasm during intercourse.

FSAD is a sexual dysfunction in which a woman cannot properly self-lubricate sufficiently for sexual intercourse.

Both conditions are extremely common after a traumatic incident or an incident involving military sexual trauma. 

Other hormonal and physical causes also exist.

What Conditions Commonly Cause ED Or FSAD?

The following is a non-exhaustive list of conditions that can cause ED in male veterans or FSAD in female veterans:

  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Military sexual trauma
  • Lumbar strain
  • Lumbar disc degeneration
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain
  • Mental health medication
  • Heart conditions
  • Vascular conditions
  • Prostate cancer

Qualifying for ED or FSAD Disability Benefits

If you developed ED or FSAD during your military service, you might qualify to receive VA disability benefits.

Obtaining VA disability for sexual dysfunction requires you to prove three things.

  • First, you must prove a service connection with evidence of a disabling injury, illness, or event that happened during your military service.
  • Second, you must have a current diagnosis of a sexual dysfunction from a medical professional.
  • Third, you must show that the disabling event in your military service led to you experiencing sexual dysfunction.

You might also be able to prove a secondary service connection for your sexual dysfunction if it comes from a service-connected condition that you have already established, like diabetes or prostate cancer. 

The evidence of your current disability usually takes the form of a report from the medical professional who is treating you. 

The evidence you will need to prove a service-connected condition comes from your medical records and your military service records. 

How to qualify for ED or FSAD disability benefits?

Do You Need Help with Your ED or FSAD Disability Claim?

We know that making a claim for VA benefits can be frustrating and confusing. 

We also know that appealing a denied claim can be daunting, especially if there is no one on your side to help you with an appeal. 

Our expert VA disability attorneys at Stone Rose Law can help you at any point in your VA benefit claim. 

If you want to know whether you qualify for VA disability benefits, or you want to file a benefits claim, we will help you at no cost to you.

If the VA has denied your benefits claim, our VA lawyers know how to get you through an appeal to the VA. 

If we do not win your appeal, you owe us nothing. 

If we win, we take a one-time percentage of any back-due amounts you are owed and you keep everything else including your monthly benefits.

Don’t let cost worries stop you from claiming the VA disability benefits you earned and deserve. 

Don’t hesitate to give us a call at (480) 630-2765 to schedule a free consultation.

Or, reach out to us online to ask a question to one of our VA disability law specialists or to make an appointment.

You don’t have to face the VA by yourself. Call us at Stone Rose Law today.